Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Scary is  the right word for how neglected this blog has been.  Three years?  Wow.  But...I had baby girl number three, and then became extremely sick with Crohn's Disease.  Hospital sick.  Knocked flat on my back on the couch for months sick.  Needing help sick.  It was awful.  I still receive Remicade treatments to keep the Crohn's under control and from coming back.  And luckily, I'm back to crafting!  My girls are 6, 5 and 3 now.  We've started homeschooling them.  We're down to only 1 dog.  We may move (to a different place in NH...restoring Joey's grandma's house) next year (YIKES!!!).  That's my nutshell.  I hope everyone reading this is WELL and HAPPY.