Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Ours was filled with way too much food, lots of family, and some frantic crafting. So sorry I've been MIA recently. Here's reason #1:
Craft Show Craziness! It's been a fun and wild season...I did four craft shows this year (and of course I post a pic of my worst set-up. Ha! It could only go upward from this one!). Had an awesome show in Northwood, NH, and another really fun show in Manchester, NH. I must say, I am glad to take a break from the can be pretty wild to pull one together!
Now, I am selling at a really amazing pop-up holiday store in Concord, NH. I'm really excited about the whole venture and to do a post on this next!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I love finding inspiration on walks! In fact, a lot of the crafts I've been working on this fall were either found in or inspired by nature. Here are some little toadstools I found begging to be re-created...somehow, someway (clay, felt?)! In the meantime, I'm sure they served as some comfy seats for fairies along the way. At least, that's what I told my girls!